Refugees and migrants welcome. Here you will find a compilation of some information about your integration and recognition of your professional qualifications. This overview is also published in German under “Anerkennung in Deutschland“.
Learning German
In addition to the employment agency [Arbeitsagentur] and the community colleges [Volkshochschulen/VHS], you can learn German for free with Smartphone or PC:
- Free German Courses Deutsche Welle / DW. E-learning on the computer, with video, audio and podcasts – or very classically with worksheets to print.
- Site by community colleges (VHS) to autonomously to learn German themselves. The sound information of the page can be accessed in a variety of languages.
Getting language help
On the webside, there are three multilingual worksheets with the major general, medical and legal terms.
Basic Information
- The legal basis of recognition in an overview: anerkennung-in-deutschland > /en/legal_basis
- Migration to Germany
- Hotline Working and Living in Germany,
Phone +49 30 1815-1111, Mo.-Fr.: 09:00-15:00
The hotline offers personalised information and advice, in German or English, on the following topics:
– Job search, work and careers
– Recognition of foreign vocational qualifications
– Entry and residence
– Learning German - Recognition in Germany
- bq-Portal The information portal for foreign professional qualifications
Occupational Area
For different professional qualifications there are a number of different public authorties or civil services responsible.
- Commercial and technical occupations
IHK FORSA – Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Foreign Skills Approval - Crafts
ZDH Overview, ZDH – The German Confederation of Skilled Crafts. For recognition, the Chamber of Crafts is responsible, where you live. - Academic qualifications / Non-regulated university degrees
The Statement of Comparability is an official document issued by the “Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen” (Central Office for Foreign Education – ZAB) that describes the foreign higher education qualification, its professional and academic usage. KMK-ZAB Statement of Comparability - Regulated Academic Qualifications
The recognition of certain academic professions, for example, Doctors, lawyers and professionals of the public sector, is very different. Take here the Recognition Finder
Job Exchange / Vacancy Database for Refugees
- First job exchange for refugees and employers that open up opportunities: Workeer.
- Jobs für Flüchtlinge auf JOBBÖ
Study for Refugees
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation has conducted a survey among all relevant ministries of the federal states with the aim of as the university access to refugees in the individual provinces is governed. Click here for the article (in German).
Study without documents
A completely different approach the href=”” Kiron University in Berlin, which accommodates their study operating in October 2015th. The univerity promises each refugee a place of study without documents.
Actions of HR colleagues
And the HR blogger community reported in the article #HR_for_Refugees and comments of other tips, actions and support services.
Good luck with the recognition of your qualification and the first steps.